Hair Transplant Norwood Scale​

When you are planning a hair loss treatment abroad for your thinning or balding hair, it is important to find out how has your hair loss gone so far.

Hair Transplant Norwood Scale​

Measure hair loss with Norwood Scale

The Norwood Scale is the most common and well-known way to measure the baldness level (symbolized by numbers from 1 to 7 above). Mainly, this scale helps to understand how much the hair loss advanced, and the higher number reflects the more advanced hair loss.

The main reasons of male hair loss are the hormones (DHT) and genetic heritage. Right after the adolescence period, testosterone hormone level will increase and that generates dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which plays a key part of hair losing process. In a period, hair follicles will be weakened and get smaller, so they will not be able to regrow any hair.

Hair loss process might bring stress, anxiety, and it might also negatively affect self-esteem and daily life. There are various alternative treatment types available to be applied depending on the level of hair loss (which can be determined by Norwood Scale).

Hair transplantation is the most common solution among many treatment alternatives used to regain your best look. Since hair transplantation treatment needs to be done by certified doctors, we strongly advise you to get an initial assessment and hear the experienced Welfare Abroad hair specialists’ suggested treatment plans to get the best result in all aspects.

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